Does Your Staff Look Like This On Busy Days?

There are great lessons to be learned on days where you are pushed to your limit. Not too long ago, I returned from vacation to one of the busiest weeks I've ever had in practice. I love these weeks since they provide great insight into the efficiency of your procedures and systems as well as the mindset of every one that works in your office.

I was about halfway through my morning shift when I noticed my newest CA running across the hospitality area to give a patient his receipt. She then ran back to the front desk and address a patient that was standing there waiting to pay. While she was running back, I was able to look at the face of the patient she had just handed the receipt to. It was very obvious that he was perturbed and unimpressed and annoyed at how rushed and chaotic she looked.

This is when I had a mental breakthrough. Although I wanted to be this busy, I didn't want to look this busy. It is very important that through the busyness, your office stays calm and collected and makes patients feel comfortable and not rushed. Always keep in mind that patients are there for an experience and need to feel like you have time to see and pay attention to them. Unfortunately, this guy's experience was probably not a great one that day. 

It was clear to me that I had to spend more time with this new staff person and train her on how to deal with patients and the tasks at hand during busy times. Her demeanor and action during that half hour affected everyone that was there waiting to have their lives change. Immediately after my CA's sprinting episode, I could sense that the patients waiting were starting to feel uneasy, looking at their watches and not enjoying their experience.

Make sure that your staff has the ability to calm the storm when your office is buzzing and changing lives in your community. If not, patients may get the wrong vibe and think you bit off more than you could chew. Patients thinking you are too busy to see them is a great way to lose them and their referrals! If your office is not handling busy times, there are three possible reasons:

1. chirpractor

2. staff and/or

3. procedures and systems 




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