Greedy Staff? Never Enough? Try This!

When it comes to gifting our staff members or offering bonuses, we often suggest things that we would love. In other words, we offer them what we would love to be offered as a bonus or a gift. The problem is they are not us. Everyone has different needs and different values, which means everyone wants and loves different things. When you don't communicate in terms of their loves and values, your act of kindness to them may seem like it was not appreciated. This may lead you to think that they cannot be satisfied and greedy, when in fact, you could have perhaps satisfied them with less, just gifting them in a different way.

One of the process I go through with my staff when I hire them is asking them how they like to be thanked. We are conditioned to think that everyone likes money as a reward but I have been surprised over the years how some people would rather something different.

I am a true believer that every staff member should be under a bonus system so hey can grow as your practice is growing. Without a bonus system, it is only a matter of time until your staff feels they are working more for the same compensation. Now, here is where it gets fun. While many chiropractors instinctively reward their staff members with money, it does not have to be this way.

Because I ask my staff how they like to be rewarded, I get all kinds of great ideas, many times less costly than what I would have been willing to give them as a cash bonus. Here is a list of some bonus rewards my current and past staff members have told me they would love when they do a good job or when the office meets its goals:

1. Spa certificate
2. Grocery certificates
3. Time off 
4. "Just say thank you!" (Very Cheap!!!)
5. Time together as an office
6. Office party

To make along story short, not everyone has cash at the top of their value list. Bonuses should take into consideration your staff member's values. If that is money, great. If it isn't money and that is all you offer as a bonus, don't be surprised that your generosity does not seem as appreciated as you think it should.

- Clayton


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