Adjusting Attitudes has created four product bundles in order to suit your needs and your level of involvement. We knew that some chiropractors would want a turnkey system that they could implement easily and immediately into their office without any up-front work. This is why we created the Adjusting Attitudes System, which meets those needs. The Ultimate Patient Retention Scripts, The Hand Off and the Lights, Camera, Action bundles allow you to choose a bundle that will fit with your practice and needs. Please take time to explore the bundles and discover which ones will work for you and your practice. The choice is yours!

Educational Video Series

Maximize patient retention with this scientific-based, turnkey education system. The only retention tool on the market based on Emotional Mapping, and leveraged with video technology for reproducible and consistent results.

797.00 USD

Retention System Series

Use these 6 scripts in written or video format to take your retention to another level. You also receive an easy-to-follow implementation guide to ensure you get maximum value. Included as a bonus is my bullet proof "relapse" script - a must have!

6.97 USD

Powerful Scripts

Hundreds of hours went into creating these scripts. These scripts make Adjusting Attitudes the powerful tool that it is. Each word, sentence and paragraph is there to achieve massive impact, and address the Emotional Journey that patients go through.

497.00 USD

Position Yourself as a Leader

Spend three days in our video sanctuary and become the animator of 40 amazing videos that will transform your patients’ lives. This will surely position you as a leader and expert for all of your patients to see. It will be an experience of a lifetime!

What’s Included

With both bundles 1 and 3 you will receive our state of the art reporting section that allows you to easily track patients and whether or not they are keeping up with the videos they are receiving. This allows you to keep patients accountable and address any issues they may be having. Also included is the ability for patients to share each video summary on social media networks with their friends and family. Included in this sharing will be your clinic info, creating another source of referrals to your practice. 

Individualized for your Brand

It was important for us when creating Adjusting Attitudes that patients could recognize their chiropractor’s brand. Branding is vital as most chiropractors work hard to establish one and make it known in their community. This is why bundles 1 and 3 include a one-time, easy customization where you choose your clinic's branding colors and logo. These will appear in all emails that our amazing delivery system will send to your patients, allowing them to recognize you and further cement your brand in their minds.

View Demos

Please take time to watch our demo video, which includes several clips from our videos. If you require more information, do not hesitate to contact us

Very professional and done with simple language that is clear and concise. It is not one of those cheap products that will sit on your shelves. Implement this and I guarantee you it will impact your practice.

Dave Mager
speaker, motivator and author